Lynn Marring - My Witchcraft - Sunflower Promotion

Ehrenamtliche Musikpromotion seit 2002

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Lynn Marring - My Witchcraft

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Lynn Maring began playing guitar at the age of 7 and formed her first band at just 12, inspired by her first encounter with the band Muse. Born in Geneva, Switzerland, she worked in a record store when she founded her first band Disagony in 2009 and The Chikitas in 2011, performing hundreds of concerts across Europe and the USA while recording several albums. After these rich experiences in bands, Lynn started a solo project and released her debut EP in 2017. 

She then took a break from studio work and live performances to study music in Lausanne, Switzerland, for five years to find inspiration and deepen her knowledge. After her studies, she returned to the stage and recorded demos independently, ultimately composing her second solo release, "Symbiotic Chaos," under the new name Lynn Marring, inspired by her fascination with a dystopian universe.

Now, Lynn Marring presents the song "My Witchcraft," a song about the fine line that lies between fantasies and reality, suggesting that a fantasy could save us from a form of sordid reality. "My Witchcraft" tells an imaginary story about using magical powers to force an impossible love, employing the image of love potions from fairy tales. It’s a catchy rock song for both hopeless and hopeful romantics.

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