Portland Rider komt met feelgood nummer “Speak Low” Componist en tekstschrijver Rick Kusters van Portland Rider: Ons nieuwe nummer “Speak Low” is een liefdesverhaal van ooit 2 verliefde ‘Teeners’ die na 40 jaar nog steeds hartstochtelijk verliefd z...
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Lynn Marring - My Witchcraft
Lynn Maring began playing guitar at the age of 7 and formed her first band at just 12, inspired by her first encounter with the band Muse. Born in Geneva, Switzerland, she worked in a record store when she founded her first band Disagony in 2009 an...
Mike Conlon (One Man Big Sound) - The Way I Am
Mike Conlon “One Man Big Sound” is an alternative funk rock musician, singer, and songwriter with a unique and infectious style, influenced by a plethora of genres. Energetic live sets are performed on his live looping rig, called "The Beast". Sinc...
DJ Beatboy - Power Of Your Mind
Der angesagte DJ Beatboy meldet sich mit einem aufregenden neuen Release zurück, der die Tanzflächen im Sturm erobern wird! Sein neuester Track mit dem Titel „Power of Your Mind“ kombiniert mitreißende Rock-Elemente und tanzbare Beats, die sowohl F...
Das Wort „Metamorphosis“ oder auf Deutsch „Metamorphose“ (Wörterbuch: Me·ta·mor·pho·se, Substantiv, feminin [die]) bedeutet bildungssprachlich Umgestaltung oder Verwandlung oder im Sinne der Beschreibung eines Prozesses: „eine Metamorphose, also Ve...
JNDJ - Mirrors (Espejos)
JNDJ are an Alternative Rock duo and couple from the United States, consisting of Julissa (Veloz) Girardi and Jesse Girardi. JNDJ debuted “In My Own Way” in May of 2023, following it with “Dig Down Deep,” two alt-rock tracks with hints of pop synth...