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Kelsie Kimberlin - Perfume
Kelsie Kimberlin is a proud Ukrainian American singer known for her strong vocal abilities and songs about issues that have an impact on the world. She is an international artist and also an activist. Kelsie is a prolific artist, writing and record...
Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
Beyond Aram is a songwriter whose passion is to share compositions he’s proud of. He’s spent years with melodies in his head but it wasn’t until he learned the piano in lockdown that he was able to start turning these melodies into songs.With the h...
Johnny Swim - I'm Alright
JOHNNYSWIM, composed of the magnetic duo Abner Ramirez and Amanda Sudano Ramirez, effortlessly enthralls audiences with their heartfelt melodies, intertwining personal experiences and imaginative tales. Their music is a vibrant tapestry woven with ...
Theresa Rhodes - Fallen
Theresa Rhodes was born in London and spent her youth in India and Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. Music soon became part of her culture as she was immersed in both English pop and African beat. She has been singing and playing guitar since the age of 10. At 18...
Mike Mendel - Im Calling
Lassen Sie sich inspirieren! Mike Mendels neuester Release „Im Calling“ bringt frischen Wind in die Musikszene. Ein musikalisches Meisterwerk: Lassen Sie sich von "Im Calling" verzaubern!Pressetext: Sunflower Promotion ...