LaNyna - Fumando Contigo - Sunflower Promotion

Ehrenamtliche Musikpromotion seit 2002

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LaNyna - Fumando Contigo

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Hi, I am LaNyna, Cuban, Spanish, born in Cuba and I have had music and dance in my blood since I was little. I liked to write my own songs and I went to guitar classes. At the end of 2022, my mother fell ill with cancer and 2 years later she died. Those were very difficult years for me because I had to do a lot of things that I didn't like to do in order to survive and be able to help her with everything. 

In the end I decided to continue with music. At that time I lived in Denmark, so I had to travel to Madrid to record and make music because that was where I had my studio. It all started with an ableton live course that made me spend a lot of money buying the license, the microphone, the headphones, the audio interface, and the studio monitors. Well, I totally transformed the living room at home so that everything would work perfectly. 

This year I decided to release my first single album on February 12, which is giving me good results. And well, I wrote the song based on real events in my life. It has not been easy to get here. And here I continue to highlight my admiration for Latin reggaeton music.

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